U.S.-CREST's Selected Publications

(Prior to January 1999)

Report of a Trinational Working Group on Deterring NBC Weapons Use in Regional Conflict Robert Grant (December 1998)

The conclusions of a U.S.-CREST working group organized with American, French and British experts to foster cooperation on defense planning against the use of nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) weapons.

Lessons from the Western Intervention in Bosnia: Implications for NATO's Mission and Structure a Conference Report (July 3, 1997)

Proceedings of the third Franco-American symposium on NATO, Washington, January 13, 1997, with the participation of Bruno Racine, Special Advisor to Prime Minister Alain Juppé, Jean-Claude Mallet, Director of Strategic Affairs (Ministry of Defense), Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Walter Slocombe, Former Commander (IFOR) Admiral Leighton Smith as well as other government officials and European security experts.

Transatlantic Armament Cooperation: Into the 21st Century, a Conference Report (July 1996)

The result of the Second U.S.-CREST Conference on Transatlantic Armament Cooperation, held April 17-19, 1996, and attended by American and European government and defense industry representatives. The conference report highlights a new model for transatlantic cooperation, plus the conclusions of a plenary session meeting and three working groups focussing on: overcoming cultural opposition to transatlantic armament cooperation; selections and implementation of successful programs; and, balancing self-sufficiency and industrial competition.

Franco-American Security Cooperation: From Principle to Practice, Maria Alongi and Robert Grant (December 1995)

In this symposium report, government officials and non-governmental experts from the United States and Europe debate the roles of different transatlantic and European institutions in projecting stability to Central and Eastern Europe, as well as potential models for organizaing Western forces to undertake multinational military interventions outside of NATO territory. The symposium concluded with experts' recommendations for French and American policy which are highly relevant to the U.S.-French Security dialogue.

Counterproliferation and International Security: The Report of a U.S.-French Working Group, Robert Grant (June 1995)

The result of a U.S.-CREST working group organized to foster cooperation on defense planning against the use of nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) weapons, this report provides the analysis of U.S.-CREST Senior Research Associate Robert Grant, the viewpoints of participating U.S. and French defense and nonproliferation experts, and a thoughtful blueprint for establishing the bilateral and multilateral cooperation needed to develop effective counterproliferation measures. Contains French and English language versions of the Foreword and the Executive Summary.

The Franco-American Security Relationship: New Directions for NATO and European Defense Cooperation, a symposium report by Robert Grant (December 1993)

This report highlights the key points of a symposium organized by U.S.-CREST to confront the challenges to bilateral security cooperation posed by post-Cold War transformations. It includes candid views of U.S., French, and other European governmental officials and nongovernmental experts on the evolution of the Franco-American security relationship, NATO, and the future of European defense cooperation.

U.S.-CREST Briefing Note: First Conference on Transatlantic Armament Cooperation

Report of the U.S.-CREST conference, held February 1-3, 1995, and attended by 100 American and European government and defense industry representatives. Highlights the conference's recommendations for the transatlantic defense industrial capability model for the 21st century.

Partners in Space: International Cooperation in Space, Strategies for the New Century, (May 1993)

Final project report prepared by a U.S.-CREST led research team working under the guidance of a prominent international Steering Committee. It examines the emerging need for multilateral space cooperation now that the political interests driving many national space plans have been dramatically altered and identifies persistent policy issues as well as likely areas for cooperation.

Cooperative Strategies: High-Technology Security Cooperation: A Transatlantic Industrial Perspective, U.S.-CREST & the Hudson Institute (June 1991-no longer in print)

Report of the Steering Committee of a project which brought together U.S. and European defense companies and independent defense specialists to shape an agenda for future Atlantic Alliance defense technology cooperation. Report recommendations subsequently became part of U.S. defense legislation.

Publications may be ordered by contacting U.S.-CREST at:

1911 N. Fort Myer Drive, Suite 601
Arlington, VA 22209

phone: 703-243-6908
fax: 703-243-7175
e-mail: uscrest@uscrest.org

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